Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April 9, 2014

“Oggi e mercoledi.” Today is Wednesday. This is what we learned from the Italian class. The interesting thing is the words lunedi, martedi, mercoledi, giovedi, venerdi, sabato, domenica are all related to the ancient Greek mythology. What we learned in the Italian classes recently are all common in daily life. Yesterday we went to elementary schools do the service learning. I assisted in second grade. The teacher and students seemed not good at English. Every time I said some Italian words, they showed very excited for me. I wished I can speak Italian at the moment. As they asked me when my last service learning was, it was so hard for them to understand the months and weekdays in English. That is helpful for me to learn the numbers and dates in today’s Italian class. After the morning class, the other two girls and I went to the forth library, this is my first time to go to the library in Rome Center. The floor is quiet and the view through the window is beautiful. I found people in Italian like to put the plants on the top of the building. There are many green plants hided in the red roof.

The library is tiny and only have few computers, but I think that is enough for students in Rome Center.

The class in the afternoon, we talked about the experience yesterday. I was so happy to hear different stories from other classmates. I feel very lucky because even teachers and most students cannot speak English, they all kept using body language and smiles to tell me they like me so much. They had many questions about me, and like to teach me Italian as well. The other two girls and I planed the trip to Naples this weekend in the night. I wish we can have a good weekend:)

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